We started with a single clinic in 1988. We have Nationwide coverage by Clinics in West & East Malaysia.
All our clinics are linked online by Internet based software (eClinic System) to gather real time claims information for panel clients. All clinics are paid online every forthnightly. In continuing our vision, we will be building a more enhanced, cohesive and dynamic organization to bring quality healthcare more accessible and affordable to all. Together we can make healthcare for all Malaysians a reality. A goal that sees us all in the future, as an advanced and socially cohesive society with a high standard of living and quality of life.
Klinik Alam Medic as we are known today, embodies this commitment.
Future healthcare systems must be efficient and cohesive with a seamlessly integrated network that prioritizes affordability, accessibility and quality care for all citizens. Through innovative technology adoption and robust infrastructure development, healthcare services are readily accessible across urban and rural areas alike. Eclinic is a unified cloud based digital platform that harmonizes patient records, facilitating smooth transitions between healthcare providers and ensuring continuity of care to all.
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